Mar 202015
Configure SMS2 with Netscaler (Free 2 Factor Authentication)

EDIT:  People have been requesting a tool to deploy SMS2 secret keys en mass, and the developer hasn’t implemented it yet.  Until he does I wrote a powershell script that will remotely connect to the sql database and inject the information needed for each user you select (  I have it setup for TOTP keys… […]

Mar 052015

CitrixIRC is pleased to announce the first of hopefully many Citrix focused community driven Webinars! For those of you that don’t know, CitrixIRC is a community driven real time support channel which exists on the Freenode IRC server. YES… IRC is still around, and not just used for world domination! Freenode is actually the home […]

Oct 312014

I have seen where PVS targets (mainly Desktop OS) will fail to activate via KMS after booting, and/or not get the proper group policy settings.  I think this is because PVS hasn’t released the network when Windows is trying to activate/update gpo (or something along those lines).  On top of this in my environment I […]

Oct 222014

Look like update ESXi550-201410101-SG 5.5U2 that causes network issues Netscaler VPX appliances. See the discussion at: There is now a validated work around: 1) find where loader.conf is located on NetScaler VM    #find / -name loader.conf For the uploaded NetScaler VM, there are 2 loader.conf: ./flash/boot/defaults/loader.conf and ./flash/boot/loader.conf, we only need to change the first […]