This post will be short and sweet. I just wanted to post my first attempt at Powershell scripting against Netscaler. Click here Read the comments! This script will connect to your netscaler (I have it do it on a gui enabled snip instead of the nsip, but you can do it against the nsip… again […]
Just a quick script to grab XenDesktop 7.x licensing info… would probably work on XA 7.x as well. As the script is written it has to be run on the licensing server itself, but you could easily rewrite it with an “Invoke-Command” to allow it to run remotely. You could also modify it to email […]

EDIT: People have been requesting a tool to deploy SMS2 secret keys en mass, and the developer hasn’t implemented it yet. Until he does I wrote a powershell script that will remotely connect to the sql database and inject the information needed for each user you select ( I have it setup for TOTP keys… […]
UPDATE: I found trying to run this script through the Netscaler Gateway failed due to differences in the web pages. I re-wrote the script so it will work internal directly to StoreFront, and externally with Netscaler Gateway. The main caveat is that the wficalib.dll doesn’t allow you to logoff the session when going through the […]
CitrixIRC is pleased to announce the first of hopefully many Citrix focused community driven Webinars! For those of you that don’t know, CitrixIRC is a community driven real time support channel which exists on the Freenode IRC server. YES… IRC is still around, and not just used for world domination! Freenode is actually the home […]
Like the title says this is for a very specific use case which I have run into, so definitely not for everyone. Background The company I work for plans on switching the user home directories to a DFS path in order to accommodate our cloud DR solution. We currently redirect folders via Citrix policies in […]
I have seen where PVS targets (mainly Desktop OS) will fail to activate via KMS after booting, and/or not get the proper group policy settings. I think this is because PVS hasn’t released the network when Windows is trying to activate/update gpo (or something along those lines). On top of this in my environment I […]
Look like update ESXi550-201410101-SG 5.5U2 that causes network issues Netscaler VPX appliances. See the discussion at: There is now a validated work around: 1) find where loader.conf is located on NetScaler VM #find / -name loader.conf For the uploaded NetScaler VM, there are 2 loader.conf: ./flash/boot/defaults/loader.conf and ./flash/boot/loader.conf, we only need to change the first […]
A while back I wrote a script to quickly update a XenServer host or pool with all the hotfixes placed in a directory. I got tired of doing it through the gui, and having to do each update one at a time… waiting for reboots in-between. This script will look for .xsupdate files in the […]

I recently ran into an issue where Citrix Profile Manager was not catching all the files from a user installed Office Add-in. I found the path to the files and they were in %localappdata%\Apps\2.0. Even if I specifically added a policy to sync that folder it still did not get every file needed for the […]