Feb 242016

Have you ever looked at director and saw a user had a very long login, and wondered how the hell you could find out who that was?  I wrote a script to help you out a bit! Here is the script Read it!  There are places you will have to edit to allow it to run […]

Feb 072016
Microsoft File Server Cluster in VMWare

Continuously Available File Server (CAFS) CLUSTER DOCUMENTATION Contents1 – Server components and network configuration2 – Quorum disk configuration2.1 – Quorum disk mapping on server CAFS12.2 – Quorum disk mapping on server CAFS23 –Cluster feature deployment3.1 – Add the Cluster Feature on server CAFS13.2 – Add the Cluster Feature on server CAFS24 –Cluster Configuration validation5 – […]

Feb 052016
Java 8 security settings deployment via GPO

I had to recently update Java to version 8 on some RDS servers. Java 8 has increased it’s security level by default, and many private website using unsigned Java code have stopped working with this version. The only way to workaround is to deploy a “security.sites” file containing the URL of the websites for which we […]

Feb 052016
Some work on Citrix UPM (clustered)

I had the chance to have a closer look at the Citrix User Profile Management, and I am sharing some of my notes in this article. Introduction The Citrix User Profile Management (UPM) v5.41 optimize Roaming Profiles with a “streaming” feature in order to improve user’s logon times. The Citrix UPM has been initially designed […]

Nov 242015

Have you ever excluded a directory after the fact, and realized that Citrix Profile Manager does not remove the directory from the store? Have you noticed “AppData\Local\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\DOMStore” or “AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent” filling up with tons of small files/empty folders – most of which are old as dirt (delaying logon)? Have you pulled out your hair over […]

Oct 192015
PVS Documentation Script

Sacha Thomet who was one of my competitors for the “Geekovation” contest at Synergy (he won!) wrote a PVS documentation script (http://blog.appcloud.ch/citrix-pvs-healthcheck/).  He tweeted a revision, and after looking at the code I decided to try my hand at it.  I have to give credit to Remko Weijnen (http://www.remkoweijnen.nl/blog/2012/02/29/convert-mcli-output-into-powershell-objects/) for the code to change the […]