Apr 032017
UPDATED PVS Documentation Script

Original Post The first script I wrote was from before Citrix added real powershell functionality into PVS.  This new script leverages the new powershell module.  I am not exactly sure when they first added this into PVS (if you know please comment below), but this was developed using PVS 7.12.  Pay attention to comments marked […]

Feb 092017

I recently ran into an issue after upgrading my XenDesktop environment to 7.12 from 7.11.  Prior to that update I was able to create MCS desktops in my XenServer pool with no issues.  After upgrading to 7.12 the newly created VMs would not register with the delivery controller, and according to XenServer they did not […]

Dec 052016
Using Citrix Workspace Environment Management to Redirect Folders via Symbolic Links – Speed Up Logon

Background Using Citrix Profile Management with profile streaming enabled should keep your logon times pretty low.  Recently, they updated the version of our Antivirus (Trend Micro) to the latest, and suddenly I started seeing desktops fail with “session prepare failure” errors.  After much investigation it had something to do with the behavior monitoring feature of […]

Sep 302016
Quickly replicate XA/XD applications to another delivery group

Environment XenApp 7.6 700+ Delivered (published) Applications 60+ Windows servers (2008 R2 and 2012 R2)   Scenario Recently I had a request to replicate 100+ applications from PROD to QA, using QA server configured with identical applications and identical application locations/paths. Obviously all paths to EXE files need to be the same in order for this […]

Jul 212016
XenDesktop Usage Report

CLICK HERE FOR UPDATED VERSION My boss wanted a report to show the usage of our XenDesktop environment (desktop sessions only), so I wrote a script that queries the delivery controller once per minute to get sessions.  It then writes that information to an .xml file, and then I have another script that reads the […]

Jun 212016

This will be short and sweet (hopefully sweet).  If you have a session recording server setup you may notice that the entries/files don’t go away on their own.  Here is how to clean them up: Just create a scheduled task to run the code below once per day (as system – elevated): C:\Program Files\Citrix\SessionRecording\Server\Bin\icldb.exe remove /RETENTION:7 […]

May 062016

If you have tried to use Windows 10 in XenDesktop with Citrix Profile Management you have probably run into two major issues. The Issues The first issue is the start menu… which is now a database located at %localappdata%\TileDataLayer\Database.  At logoff when profile manager tries to copy it off it can’t due to services locking the […]