Mar 052015

CitrixIRC is pleased to announce the first of hopefully many Citrix focused community driven Webinars! For those of you that don’t know, CitrixIRC is a community driven real time support channel which exists on the Freenode IRC server. YES… IRC is still around, and not just used for world domination! Freenode is actually the home of hundreds of technical IT channels. Wither it’s technical question, shooting the breeze, or just looking for some career advice CitrixIRC is the place to be.


Webinars topics will consist of debates, How To’s, tips from the field, and open discussions to name a few. The goal with the community driven focus is to have these conversations open up to the community, allowing everyone to learn from each others experiences. Panelists and presenters will consist of various industry professionals from the community and will constantly be switched up to always ensure new and exciting content.  Real time chat options during the webinar will be either audio, or chat using the CitrixIRC WebChat client . This is a first run, if we get some good feedback we’ll look to host these on a regular basis. We forward to your feedback and contributions!

Signup for this webinar at the following link: CitrixIRC Community Webinar 3/9/2015 


If you are unable to attend due to the time zone differences, please still register as you will receive a link to the recorded webinar!

If this is your first time here  click the “Web IRC Client” link to enter into the real time support channel! Or you can hit it directly by going to

– CitrixIRC Team

  3 Responses to “CitrixIRC – Community Driven Webinars”

  1. See you guys there!

  2. i cannot access the CitrixIRC chat anymore…has it been disabled

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