Ryan Gallier

Jul 112017

I have been using Full Desktop’s inside of XenApp forever. Lately I have been working on a project where I will be using only published apps. We are a CSP and a managed service provider who uses LabTech (Now ConnectWise Automate) to control all of our systems. LabTech uses a great remote access product called ScreenConnect to connect to the systems. All of this works flawlessly inside of a full desktop. However, when I published LabTech as a seamless app (LTClient.exe), everything seems to work fine except for ScreenConnect. I got a great Citrix engineer on the line who actually used all of the collected data I uploaded and troubleshot the issue. ConnectWise is actually a “ClickOnce” application which leverages dfsvc.exe to install and launch ScreenConnect. You can read this super exciting article on ClickOnce applications here.

Technically Citrix, nor Microsoft support any of these ClickOnce applications. Kudos on the Citrix engineer for continuing to work the issue with me, even though this is true. Luckily I already built a 2012R2 RemoteApp environment and was able to get this working to show Citrix this was not an application issue, but a Citrix seamless app issue. During troubleshooting he pointed me to this interesting article on ClickOnce and XenApp 6.5 here. I’m on 7.6 LTSR CU3, but still a good article on how this stuff works.

Anyway, after looking at the procmon information in the ticket, he quickly found that in the working scenario dfsvc.exe was calling ScreenConnect.WindowsClient.exe, where the seamless app was not. His “solution” was to simply run dfsvc.exe before calling LTClient.exe. Not really a “fix” but hell, it worked! So, I created a simple powershell script.

start-process "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\dfsvc.exe"
start-process "C:\Program Files (x86)\LabTech Client\LTClient.exe"

Lastly, I added dfsvc.exe to LogoffCheckSysModules per this CTX article.






Apr 122016

Thank you Microsoft for changing fundamental things about your operating system, with little or no regard to those of us running in an RDS/XenApp type environment. Check out this technet article. In this article it states how changes have been made.

“In  Pre-Win 8, apps could set the default handler for a file type/protocol by manipulating the registry, this means you could easily have a script or a group policy manipulating the registry. For example  for Mailto protocol you just needed to change the “default” value under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\mailto\shell\open\command”

More importantly, you were able to use Group Policy Preferences (GPP) to set these values inside a GPO. You could also Item Level Target (ITL) them by using the GPP. This means you could easily have users run Acrobat Pro for .pdfs on SecurityGroupA and Adobe Reader for .pdfs on SecurityGroupB. However, the technet article goes on to say that in post Windows 8,

“the registry changes are verified by a hash (unique per user and app) “

A little more digging tells us that the new hashing mechanism is also on a per-machine basis. This means that a hash would be different for each user, per app, per XenApp server. Very inconvenient and annoying. This also means that we can not use the built in GPP functions in Active Directory to set these file type associations. Also very inconvenient and annoying.

James Rankin did a great blogpost on this subject as well. You can read that here. He did a great job overviewing this issue and provided a solution with using AppSense. This blog will show you how to do this with good old batch scripting and group policy. To be honest, I’m quite annoyed that I had to put together this “hack” to get around something that worked PERFECTLY FINE in 2008R2 with GPPs. If anyone has a more elegant solution, I’d love to see it. I’m not the best scripter in the world, but I’m very pragmatic. “It works”

The first thing we want to do is create a logoff script to delete HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.pdf. However, because of that pesky Deny in the UserChoice key, we are unable to simply do this. So, I have made a simple “regini” command to overwrite the permissions on that key so that we can delete. In my environment, I have created FTA_PDF.txt in the NETLOGON directory. Inside this file is simply a registry value and some codes, which allow SYSTEM, Administrators, Interactive User, etc, FULL CONTROL of the key.

Next, I create a FTA_Delete.bat file in NETLOGON. This runs the “regini” command to change the permissions, then a “reg delete” command to delete the key.

Then we need to create the script for the logon process. I’ve busted out good old “ifmember” for this one. It’s a simple executable that will check AD group membership. My script is pretty simple. It checks to see if a user is a member of the Acrobat group. If so, run the “reg add” to add the association to Acrobat. If not, it falls back to the default .pdf reader in this environment. In this case, it’s Adobe Reader. Keep in mind that you can add multiple programs and associations using this method. You can add Foxit here if you would like.

So, the sad fact of the matter is when I tried to set this as an actual “Logon Script” the functionality didn’t work. I had to set this in a User GPO: Administrative Templates\System\Logon\Run these programs at user logon. I’m also the type of person that hates to see a CMD window flash up on the screen right after I login. So, I wrote ANOTHER script called FTA_Starter.bat to call this script to run in a minimized window.

This is the script I added to the GPO.

So, I fought with this for a long time and it wasn’t working. I had to re-read James’s blog and found this little blub at the bottom.

“Update – I built a third XenApp server, just to be sure, and this time the solution wouldn’t work until I removed the Registry key HKLM\Software\Classes\.pdf.”

This DID NOT WORK until the HKLM key was deleted from the servers. Do not forget this step.

I hope this helps you work through this issue in less time that it took me to do it.

Nov 052015

As a Citrix CSP, having a good set of scripts to deploy a base environment is critical. Setting up 50 environments by hand would take far more time than with good scripting. Now that I’ve finally had some time to sit down and not be working on 6.5 stuff, I have been able to write scripts to install and configure XenDesktop 7.6 with Storefront 3 using PowerShell (and some batch). Full disclosure! I am NOT good at PowerShell, or scripting in general. I’m sure there are a million better/easier ways to do these things, but what I have works, dammit. The point of this blog is to show you the commands, and what they do. I will attach my final scripts where you can tune and tweak as needed.

As always, credit where credit is due. I took some code from Aaron Parker from here. I also took some code from Eric from here. Lastly, I’d like to give a BIG THANKS to Esther Barhel (@virtuEs_IT) for helping me out with the non-documented Storefront 3 PowerShell commands.

If you have read my blog, most of my environments are built for the SMB/SMG space. That being said in this blog we will be setting up a single instance configuration. There will be a single server with both the XDC and Storefront roles on it. You could easily take this code to add additional XDCs or Storefront servers to your environment. I will be using code snippets to explain what they are for during the blog.

The first thing we want to do is install XenDesktop. As this is a small environment, we are going to use SQL Express on the XDC. Personally, I do not like to use SQL instances, so in my configuration I am going to install SQL with the default instance instead of the SQLEXPRESS instance. For this, I have created a directory with the XD7.6 disk extracted and shared on the network. I then created a SQL directory and extracted SQL2014 Express in there. I shared this directory out as XA76. (Long live XenApp!)

Installing SQL and XenDesktop

This first “Script” simply does a net use to the share, installs SQL, then installs XenDesktop with only the Controller and Studio roles. Note that you do not want to install Storefront yet. This script will reboot the server. As a scripting/PowerShell noobie, I learned a lot during this. For example. In PowerShell, the use of –% tells PowerShell to stop parsing code after those characters. This helped me a lot because PowerShell was trying to parse the \’s and /’s and failing miserably.

XenDesktop Configuration

After the server is done rebooting, we can start with the configuration of the XenDesktop Site. First thing we want to do is setup the databases. I’m going to setup the default databases to the local system we just installed SQL on, using the NetBIOS Name of the domain as the site name. In this example $NBN is NetBIOS Name.

The next thing we want to do is setup the Site. In my configuration, I use the NetBIOS name and append it to the DBs. In this example $LDB would be CitrixConfigLoggingTEST where TEST is the NetBIOS name. The same is done with the Monitor Database and Site Database.

Next, we want to setup licensing. This is pretty self-explanatory. This sets the license server and the port. IT then sets the product and edition. I generally use a generic DNS name for the licensing server, “ctxlicesnse” in this example, that points to the license server IP address. Then this sets up the product code and product edition. My example shows a setup for XenDesktop Advanced edition. You can get these variables with the following commands.

Here is my code to add licensing.

Next, we setup a Machine catalog. This assumes that we already have at least one VDA setup, already pointed to this Delivery Controller. This is a simple persistent desktop Machine Catalog. This is setup for XenApp type Full Desktops (MultiSession), and we add the first XD box to the Machine Catalog.

This next bit of code sets up the Desktop Group. This code snip was taken from Aaron Parker’s blog here and edited for my using. I encourage you to read his blog page to understand what this stuff does. It is much more involved than my code, and does a great job setting up the delivery group. I will try to break down the piece for all of us though. Let’s walk through the variables first.

You can set a TON of stuff in here, and it can get complicated when you are doing MCS/PVS and stuff. In this example, we are setting up a XenApp Full Desktop to the Machine Catalog we created above (2012R2). $deliverytime can be DesktopsOnly, DesktopsandApps, or AppsOnly. $deliverykind can be Shared or Private. $sessionSupport can be MultiSession or SingleSession. This is a new environment, with all 7.6, so we set the $functionalLevel to L7_6. This can be set to 5, 7, or 7.6. There are so many other commands in here that Aaron has detailed; I won’t go into them here. The command I have used for this example is below.

The next thing we need to do is to add machines to the desktop group.

Then we want to add users to the desktop group

Lastly, we want to allow access through Access Gateway

Here is the full script from start to finish.

Installing Storefront

This portion of the scripting is going to do a bunch of things. It will install the pre-requisites for Storefront, including IIS. It installs Storefront. It imports a certificate and binds it to the default website. The sets up the initial Storefront base URL then finishes the configuration. The first thing I did was to copy the 3.x version of CitrixStoreFront-x64 into my share to the x64\StoreFront directory and overwrite the default one. Luckily, this works so we can use XenDesktopServerSetup.exe again to install it.

The first thing we are going to do is install the pre-requisites and install Storefront. Again, I am just going to do a net-use to my share and run everything.

Next, we want to import the certificate and bind it to the default web site. First, we ask for the cert password.

We then want to import the certificate and assign it to the default website. Copy the .pfx file to the root of C:\. You will need the thumbprint of the certificate to put in the XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX location of the script.

Storefront Configuration

This gets us all set to start configuring Storefront. We will first need to import the Storefront PowerShell modules.

Let us take a look at some of the variables we will be using here.

Again, keep in mind this is a small environment, so we will be using a single server for the XDC/Storefront roles. My $baseurl variable will resolve to https://server.domain.local. I set the store name to $nbn (NetBIOS Name), in this example it is TEST. Then using some simple PowerShell I set $SFPath, $SFPathWeb, and $SFPathDA to /Citrix/test, /Citrix/testWeb, and /Citrix/testDesktopAppliance respectively. You can set these variables as appropriate for your environment. The first command we want to run will do the initial configuration of Storefront.

The next thing I do here is setup the beacons. I set this up now because if you setup the gateway first, it sets the $baseurl as an external beacon. In my configuration, I do NOT want $baseurl to be an external beacon. At the time of writing this blog, Citrix has not written the full documentation for these PowerShell modules. I have already put in an RFE to get these up on Citrix’s site. That being said, I was not able to figure out HOW to remove an external beacon. The gateway module detects if you have any external beacons configured. If it detects none are configured, it automatically makes $baseurl and www.citrix.com the two external beacons. Setting up the external beacons is as simple as these commands.

Next, we are going to add a NetScaler gateway to the configuration. Reference the variables above. Not too much complicated in this command. This box is also the XDC, so the STA setup simply points to http://server.domain.local/scripts/ctxsta.dll.

The previous command creates the NetScaler gateway. We then have to enable NetScaler authentication and link this gateway to the store.

This next command was from the Eric’s blog referenced above. This disables the check publisher’s certificate revocation to speed up console start-up

Lastly we as we are using $fqdn as $baseurl, we will want to turn the loopback to OnUsingHTTP because the certificate is not going to match. You can look at more details on this command here.

There we have it. Storefront configuration is DONE, dude! All we need to do is setup an internal DNS cname to point site.domain.com to server.domain.local and we have single URL for internal/external access to your XenDesktop 7.6 environment.

Full Script is below.

Jan 292014


I’m sure we are all familiar with the Shutdown Event Tracker. Hypervisor crash for “no reason”? Have a bunch of servers power down hard “by accident”? It happens to all of us. What’s annoying about this, specifically in a XenApp/RDS environment is the fact that when a regular user logs in they will see this message unless an administrator has already gone in and removed it.

Now, you could just remove it via GPO all together, but I’m not really a fan of that. I would think that this would be available for administrators only, and not regular users. The GPO supplied is a computer based GPO and does not allow that type of granularity. This is in Computer Configuration / Policies / System. As you can see it basically has no options for users.

Simple fix though. After about two seconds of troubleshooting I found that this tracker is controlled by c:\windows\system32\shutdown.exe. So, you could simply just take ownership of this file and remove users read access to this and that works fine. However, if you want to do this in some scale, you can setup a Software Restriction policy and apply it to your RDS/XenApp users. This is also pretty simple.

Drill down to User Configuration / Policies / Windows Settings / Software Restriction Policies. Go to Action and select “New Software Restriction Policy”.

This will create some new folders under Software Restriction Policies. Drill down to Additional Rules and right-click “New Path Rule”.

Simply type in the path and hit “ok”

Make sure this policy is applied only to non-admin users and not administrators. I have a large GPO that I apply to all regular users that access XenApp, so I simply applied it there. That’s about it. Now when your non-admin users’ login they will not be allowed to launch shutdown.exe, which in turn will stop the Shutdown Event Tracker from appearing.

You can validate this by running a command prompt as a regular user. They should be getting this message.

Have fun!

Jan 072014

I’m not going to go into the details about what Multi-Stream ICA (MSI) is in this article. I assume you already have a basic understanding of what this is and you are really just here to figure out how to configure it. If you do not, a great Citrix blog about Multi-Stream ICA has been written up here. In a nutshell Multi-Stream ICA allows you to break out different portions of Citrix traffic into dedicated TCP ports. The basic breakdown is below:

Enabling this on the Citrix side is pretty easy. We need to first enable Multi-Stream in a computer policy.


Then we need to setup the Multi-Port Policy. In this example I’m using 2599,2600,2601 for the other ports. The Default Port is the standard 2598 port for Session Reliability.


MSI requires Session Reliability to be enabled, so make sure you don’t have it disabled in a Computer Policy. I like to enable it so my other engineers know for a fact that it is enabled.

This takes care of the Citrix side. Not too much configuration there. The Cisco side gets a bit more involved. You do need to have a bit of knowledge on basic Cisco configuration and more specifically, an understanding of how QOS works, in general, and specifically how Cisco QOS works. Cisco has released an article here that talks in detail about how to implement MSI in a Cisco Enterprise environment. The Cisco document calls for mapping specific DiffServ classes to each MSI priority level. This is certainly the best practice when you want this to traverse a larger network with multiple hops. I’m going to post a simple example where you have Users—–RTR1—–RTR2—–Citrix. We will be using a 5Mbps Point to Point link between the 2 routers. In this setup we are going to define the ports, and assign bandwidth values to them.

First, you want to define the port groups. I will label these with Very High, High, Medium, Low (vh, h, m, l). All configurations need to be performed on both routers.

ip access-list extended citrix-vh
permit tcp any eq 2599 any
ip access-list extended citrix-h
permit tcp any eq 2598 any
ip access-list extended citrix-m
permit tcp any eq 2600 any
ip access-list extended citrix-l
permit tcp any eq 2601 any
Next we will define the Class-Maps.
class-map match-any citrix-vh
match access-group name citrix-vh
class-map match-any citrix-h
match access-group name citrix-h
class-map match-any citrix-m
match access-group name citrix-m
class-map match-any citrix-l
match access-group name citrix-l

Now that the variables are defined we move on to creating a queuing policy. Let’s assume we have 20 users. My main concern here is the “high” queue. At periods of congestion I want to make sure that the Screen/Keyboard/Mouse have enough bandwidth so users can continue to work and not have service degradation. Let’s say 20 users @ 50Kbps each = 1000Kbps. That’s about 25% of a 5 meg link, however we can give it a little wiggle room, so let’s bump that up to 35% (1.7Mbps). Keep in mind that this doesn’t LIMIT the bandwidth to 35%, it can use as much bandwidth as it wants until periods of congestion (link saturation) where it’s guaranteed the 35% of the bandwidth we configure. The medium and low queues which contain printing and file redirection aren’t as critical and I will set these to use 1Mbps during congestion (25%). Lastly, is the Very High queue. In my specific environments we don’t use too much audio, therefore I have set this to 15% of the link speed.


Keep in mind that your numbers and percentages will vary based on your use case and your amount of bandwidth available. Do you have a lot of users upload photos? Do you print a lot of large documents? Do you use a lot of real-time audio? You will need to evaluate your specific scenario and alter this example to fit your needs. You may also have existing QOS on your link and need to integrate this configuration. We have customers using SIP/RTP for voice on most of our links and I have integrated that into my configuration. I have removed that configuration for simplicities sake.


Here is the configuration for my policy map.

policy-map CITRIX-QUEUE
class citrix-vh
bandwidth percent 15
class citrix-h
bandwidth percent 35
class citrix-m
bandwidth percent 25
class citrix-l
bandwidth percent 25
class class-default

After this policy-map is configured we will need to embed this into a shaping policy to make sure the percentages line up with the available bandwidth. If you do not do this, QOS will assume the link speed of the interface which is generally 100/1000 Mbps. Obviously 25% of 100Mbps is more than the 5Mbps the link speed actually is. The below configuration will shape the bandwidth at the site to 4.9Mbps then apply the queue.

policy-map CITRIX-SHAPE
class class-default
shape average 4900000
service-policy CITRIX-QUEUE

After all is said and done you will need to apply this to the each end of the interface in an OUTBOUND direction.

interface FastEthernet4
service-policy output CITRIX-SHAPE

Make sure your configuration is working by doing a “show policy-map interface FastEthernet4”. The first example shows citrix-vh. You will want to make sure its incrementing packets under the “Match” area. You may see some drops (164), but this is normal. The second snip is class-default. If you have congestion on your link you will start to see drops on this class-map. In this example we have 143878 drops. This is a 5Mbps link and QOS is working great keeping non-critical traffic from starving my Citrix traffic.


Class-map: citrix-vh (match-any)
752287922 packets, 53798289807 bytes
5 minute offered rate 0 bps, drop rate 0 bps
Match: access-group name citrix-vh
752287923 packets, 53798290067 bytes
5 minute rate 0 bps
queue limit 64 packets
(queue depth/total drops/no-buffer drops) 0/164/0
(pkts output/bytes output) 752287754/53798175224
bandwidth 25% (1024 kbps)

Class-map: class-default (match-any)
315951400 packets, 75108131350 bytes
5 minute offered rate 94000 bps, drop rate 0 bps
Match: any
queue limit 64 packets
(queue depth/total drops/no-buffer drops/flowdrops) 0/143878/0/143878
(pkts output/bytes output) 315807520/74835090017
Fair-queue: per-flow queue limit 16

Hope this helps you in your Citrix Multi-Stream ICA configurations. This is a pretty basic setup, but I hope this points you in the right direction to get started using this cool newish feature. I hope to write up a blog later on how this integrates with CloudBridge and how to use MSI in conjunction with that.

Jun 272013


I’ve been using PNAgent to create Desktop/Start Menu shortcuts for years. I’ve always thought it was a good method to give users only what icons they have access to launch. With the new Group Policy Preferences that have come out with Server 2008, we now have another option. I find that GPP based shortcuts are more stable than PNAgent based shortcuts as they do not rely on XML to be functioning for users to launch applications. Keep in mind however, for this method to work you will need to have the applications actually installed on the XenApp servers themselves.

|Atum| on CitrixIRC started with a simple little script that was able to take some information and convert it to XML to import into a GPP. I gave this information to one of our developers, losethisurl, in CitrixIRC to enhance it. Below will be the scripts and steps to convert PNA based shortcuts to GPP based shortcuts.

The first thing we want to do is check your execution policy to make sure its set to something that will allow this script to run. In my test environment it’s currently set to RemoteSigned.

The first script is called Get-CitrixAppList.ps1. This basically runs a Get-XAApplicationReport and parses the information out in a format that we can use to import into another script. We run this from one of your XenApp Servers. The script is smart enough to load the Citrix snap ins if they are not already loaded. You need to use OutputFileName to specify a filename and optionally you can use OutputFilePath to copy it somewhere. Otherwise it will just save in the current directory.

Notice how XAApplications.csv is now in the folder. Let’s take a look at what’s in there.

So, let’s take this file and convert it to some XML for our GPP. Copy this to your AD controller, or any box that has the Quest AD PowerShell command templates. You can download those here. Now we can use the script Convert-CitrixAppCSVtoGPPShortcutsXML.ps1 file. All we need to do here is run the script and point it to the CSV file.

Notice this creates an Out.xml file. Let’s take a look. If you are familiar with GPP XML files, this should look pretty familiar to you.

So, what do we do with these? Well, that’s pretty simple. All we need to do is copy/paste these into the existing GPP shortcuts policy. I assume you should already have some kind of XenApp Users Policy. If so edit that one. If you do not have one, simply create one with a dummy shortcut. I’ll show you how. First, create a GPO object (or edit an existing). Go to User Configurations/Preferences/Windows Settings/Shortcuts. Right-Click and create a new shortcut.

Click Ok and close the window. Next, go to the “Details” tab on the GPO object and note the Unique ID.

Browse to \\fqdn\SYSVOL\fqdn\policies\<Unique ID>\User\Preferences\Shortcuts\ and edit Shortcuts.xml

You should already see some crap in there for where you created a shortcut earlier. Remove everything right of the blue line.

It should then look like this.

Now copy/paste your Out.xml and paste it on the blank line above </Shortcuts>.

Save the file then close it. Now go back into your GPO and look at the Shortcuts GPP section.

Excellent! Now we have GPP based shortcuts. You may need to go in there and delete things you don’t want, such as “Full Desktop 6” in this example. You can also adjust their locations and item-level-targeting as needed. By default the script will already use item level targeting based on the user group that was assigned to the application in AppCenter (or DSC).

So now that this is populated you don’t want to have duplicate icons published from PNA and GPP.  Make SURE that you have the shortcuts delete on logoff inside of the services site before you start this whole thing.


I also have a script that will disable all of the applications in the farm that you are publishing. Keep in mind to go back and re-enable any applications that aren’t locally installed on the XenApp server. So, let’s go back to the XenApp server and take a look at the Console.

All you need to do is run Disable-AllPublishedApps.ps1 from the XenApp server.  This will disable all apps, and remove “Show on Desktop” and “Show on Start Menu”.

Take a look at the console now. Notice that it excludes any published desktop. That’s a feature. J

That’s about it. This is a real time saver, especially if you have 50 or so applications created through PNA.

Feel free to look at the scripts below and jump in CitrixIRC to talk about it! You can join the conversation at http://join.citrixirc.com. If you already have an IRC client you can simply join #Citrix on the Freenode IRC network.




Apr 162013


Why Windows didn’t enable this feature in the built in GPOs is beyond me. Regardless, I needed a way to disable Windows Defender automatic scans to keep my hundreds of XenApp servers from running a scan at 2am and most likely crushing my storage infrastructure. So, what am I talking about here? How to disable this:

As you can see, the default GPOs do nothing for us.

So, how does this actually work? Well, when you configure this automatic scan, it creates a scheduled task, and writes a file in C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows Defender\

Now, you can just delete the MP Scheduled Scan file, but this doesn’t remove the configuration from Windows Defender, so that won’t work. After a small bit of digging I found these registry keys in HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Scan

The key in question here is “ScheduleDay” 0 = daily, and 1=Sunday, 2=Monday, etc. 8=off. So. Simple GPP configuration here to set the key to 8.

Do a GPUpdate /force and Viola! It has been removed from Scheduled Tasks, the file is gone, and its configuration removed from the Windows Defender GUI.


Feb 182013

Profile Optimization and “How do I speed up login times?” generally go hand-in-hand. These have to be two of the most important and most talked about items when it comes to delivering XenApp desktops. There are lot of different philosophies and strategies with regards to this, and in this article I’ll simply talk about what I have implemented in my environment. I have gone through extensive testing, tracing, logging, and analyzing of my settings and will show you what has worked for me. You can use some of these techniques to troubleshoot your own environment and see if you can get some gain in yours.

To start, I have leveraged many whitepapers, blogs, and Citrix KBs to generate my settings. I’d like to give credit where credit is due. First the Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop Policy Planning Guide was a good resource and baseline for everything. Second, this Citrix blog about Citrix Profile Management had a lot of great information. Also, CitrixIRC, of course, has been a great reference to talk things through with a bunch of great Citrix Admins. Join our chat at http://join.citrixirc.com. I have also read many other things on these topics, but I don’t recall them well enough to cite them.

Let’s get the framework in perspective here. I work for a Citrix CSP (Citrix Service Provider) and we currently have a couple dozen farms mostly in the SMB space (<250 users) I don’t do any enterprise work, so my tools and tricks are built around an SMB mindset. I use Citrix Profile Manager and GPOs, exclusively. I do not use any other third party tools to manage my profiles. I try to keep my environments simple enough for our other admins to be able to manage them. I think that if you can configure and test these tools properly they can do the job well enough to not need additional cost factors in our environments.

That being said lets start with Folder Redirection! Simply put, I redirect everything, except for AppData, utilizing GPOs. I manipulate AppData with UPM and we will talk about that later. Redirecting everything keeps it out of the profile and keeps the profile small. Simple enough.

Folder redirection isn’t the only culprit for large profiles. There are other commonly used programs that keep crap in the profile. I use GPOs to redirect these items as well. Outlook PST and OST files. Download the Office admx templates and USE THEM. “Microsoft Outlook 2010/Miscellaneous/PST Settings”. I set “Default location for PST/OST files” to a network drive. Well, I’m not using cached mode you say? Other things are stored in PST files as well, such as SharePoint Lists, so keep this in mind. AutoArchive? This will create a PST also, so if you are using this, you will want to make sure PST/OST files are moved. AutoRecover files are also stored in the profile. You can redirect Excel and Word Autorecover using the same admx templates.

How about Evernote? A lot of my users use Evernote, and by default the database is stored in AppData\Roaming. I redirect this to a network drive with a GPP Registry key. “HCU\Software\Evernote\Evernote” REG_SZ “DatabasePath”. I have seen very large databases and this is a good tweak to keep the profiles small.

Let’s talk AppData. First, I use UPM to exclude AppData\Local and AppData\LocalLow at the root. I keep AppData\Roaming in the users profile mainly for the performance implications of this being redirected on a large scale. However, I use the UPM to exclude a bunch of directories to keep it as small as possible. I will attach my UPM GPO for you to look at these settings in more depth. I exclude about 12 directories from AppData\Roaming that were gathered from the various best practices documents. Using Chrome? Chrome keeps all of its settings in AppData\Local. Shame on you, Google! With UPM, this is no problem. I do 2 things with Chrome. First, I include AppData\Local\Google in Synchronization. Second, I exclude AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cache, Cached Theme Images, and JumpListIcons. This allows my users’ Chrome settings to save, but excludes the not-needed bloat directories.

Don’t forget the cookies! I have written another blog here on that. Read it!

How about the rest of the UPM settings? Again, I’m going to attach my UPM policy in here somewhere, but we can run through the basic settings. I delete cached copies of local profiles. We always want to load a fresh profile each time. This will lower profile corruptions. How about profile streaming and active writeback? Well, I turn these off. Most people will say that’s dumb, and those are great features, and you should keep those on. Well, I can see how these are great features, but again, I’m tuning these settings for my environments. With the tweaks I am implementing I have an average profile size of 30meg. The profile itself can load in less than 1 second on a gigabit network, so I’m not too concerned about this. These settings are nice for larger setups, but in my environment I’ll keep it as simple as possible.

Did you use the 2008 R2 Optimization Guide for XenApp 6/6.5? Well, don’t forget this blog post about one of the settings you need to change if you are using the UPM. Without changing it, UPM times out a lot and slows logon/logoff processing.

Don’t forget to exclude all of the un-needed folders inside of the profile as well. This is done with a GPO.

When all is said and done, here is what my profile looks like. Of course, this is a test user, but this is a great foundation to build user profiles on. Notice there are not any folders in there except for Windows and AppData.

Do you already have an environment built and would like to tweak these settings? I certainly did. I actually wrote a script that would go through the Profile Store and delete out all of the bloat from the users’ existing profiles. You can check that out script here. Its powershell, so have fun. I had users with 1gig profiles and was able to lower then to 30-60meg in our internal environment. Note, this must be run from the Profile Store directory.

One setting that works for me, but will require testing, is the GPO to wait for network at computer startup and logon. I was able to gain about 13 seconds on my logon times when I disabled this setting. Your mileage may vary.

Are you using GPPs for shortcuts and printers and such? I did a lot of GPP tracing to analyze these mappings and found this to be true inside my environments. If you create GPP Shortcuts using “update” it takes about 200ms for each item at each logon to parse. If you have 60 shortcuts between the start menu and desktop, that’s 12 seconds right there. That’s not a short amount of time. Setting these to “create” will speed this up to about 5ms per item at each login. You can change it to “update” if you actually want to change something in the future. I gained another 15 seconds on my logins when I changed all of my GPP shortcuts to “create”. The same basic numbers apply for printers too, however, I have not traced them to get exact numbers yet.

Login times have a lot to do with how many GPOs that you have in your environment. Remember these tips. Always prefer fewer larger GPOs opposed to many smaller ones. Each GPO has a set base processing time that can be avoided by consolidating GPOs into one larger one. Make sure you disable Computer/User settings in a GPO if you aren’t using them. This lowers login time a second or so per GPO.

So, what did I use to troubleshoot all of these things? I do curse Microsoft for getting rid of the userenv.log detailed logging. Nothing works quite as good. UPM logging is a really good place to start, however. You can turn it on in the UPM Policy GPO, and parse the logs with the UPM Log Parser. You should also be using the GPSvc.log. You can set that up using this blog. Don’t forget to create the “usermode” directory if it doesn’t exist, or the logs won’t work. You can also turn on GPP Tracing in a GPO under “Computer Configuration\Policies\Administrative Templates\System\Group Policy\Logging and Tracing”. You can turn all of these on, and enable tracing, to get detailed information of your GPPs. Some people like to use Policy Reporter to go through the logs. This is a nice tool, but I just read the logs manually.

Using all of these tips and tricks above, I was able to get my test user in my test environment to log in after about 9 seconds on the 3rd login. Obviously the first 2 logins are a tad slower as it builds the profile from scratch and runs some other scripts that I have in my environment. Now, keep in mind that’s a bare environment and your mileage will vary here as well. In my internal environment I was able to speed my logins up from around 75 seconds to 23 seconds. This is keeping in mind that our internal environment has about 847 GPOs and isn’t optimized at all. In my customer facing CSP environments I have gotten about a 75% improvement time in the environments that I have implemented these changes.

Take a look at my detailed UPM policy is here

Jan 312013


I’ve been running in my 6/6.5 environment since the beginning with UPM and didn’t even realize that the cookies were not saving properly. Apparently this is a known issue and the fix is simple! You need to add 2 things to your UPM Group Policy object. First, Add “AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Cookies” to the “Folders to Mirror” policy. Second, enable “Process Internet cookie files on logoff” under the “Advanced settings” folder. When the user logs out and back in again, UPM will start properly processing cookies. Note: This does add a couple of seconds to the logoff time for users. Keep in mind if adding this to an existing environment that it could add minutes to the logoff time the very FIRST time a user logs off if they have a lot of cookies.