Look like update ESXi550-201410101-SG 5.5U2 that causes network issues Netscaler VPX appliances. See the discussion at: https://communities.vmware.com/message/2438855#2438855
There is now a validated work around:
Look like update ESXi550-201410101-SG 5.5U2 that causes network issues Netscaler VPX appliances. See the discussion at: https://communities.vmware.com/message/2438855#2438855
There is now a validated work around:
Courtesy our IRC friend Keith Smith
PowerShell Script to enumerate Citrix STA UID’s
Find Keith’s Script here
Today I got stuck publishing apps that had icons in the %windir%\System32\ folder on the XenApp server. There are a couple ways around this but my personal favorite is to reference sysnative.
So lets say your trying to publish the TS Licensing Manager, the exe only sits in the 64 bit OS Path on 2008r2
You try and fix up the icon and you get
So to fix this we change the path to
and we get the icon.
For more information check out the following links:
So I like to have a group that can run every and all published application so I can login and at least smoke test them.
Thats far to much clicking for me, so powershell to the rescue.
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Add-PSSnapIn citrix.xenapp.commands $Groups="Revord\Citrix_Admins" Get-XAApplication | foreach {Add-XAApplicationAccount $_.BrowserName $Groups} |
Those 3 lines gets Citrix_Admins into EVERY published application, not to shabby.
Lets take it a bit further, you need to add say multiple groups, but only to a folder of published applications..
No problem..
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$Groups="Revord\Citrix_Admins","Revord\Domain Users" Get-XAApplication -FolderPath "Applications\Utils" | foreach {Add-XAApplicationAccount $_.BrowserName $Groups} |
So in my environment all my MMC’s etc are published in the Applications\Utils path for readability.
But wait, what was I thinking, giving domain users access to all my published utilities!
No problem we can use the same trick in reverse to rid ourselves of those extra accounts.
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$Groups="Revord\Domain Users" Get-XAApplication -FolderPath "Applications\Util-Servers" | foreach {Remove-XAApplicationAccount $_.BrowserName $Groups} |
Now there is a neat glitch, if you run these powershell commands with a actively running AppCenter you’ll need to select applications and hit F5 to refresh and actually see your changes did take effect.
Don’t forget to attend the netscaler master class today if you are able!
XenApp Manager is a light weight administration app, available from the Windows Store, that lets XenApp administrators perform session management tasks on their Citrix XenApp 6.5 farms.
Read more Here
check out the post here.
Citrix Education is pleased to announce the availability of BETA Exam 1Y1-A28 Implementing NetScaler 10 for Networking and Traffic Optimization. While in beta, this exam is available free of cost!
Read here for more information
Found a nice collection article today for various Citrix tools.
Click here!
Came up in chat today about documenting the HDX polices to publish for the support desk.
Quick and easy way is Carl Webster’s various documentation scripts for Citrix.
They can be found here
enjoy and don’t’ forget to toss Carl a thank you if you use them!