This guide is geared around explaining how Zoom and Citrix work together, and it will show you the Architecture and provide information for what is needed on the clients. There is information added in the document for education purposes as well. At the time of writing this blog, I tested everything on an older version. However, I updated some screenshots to reflect a new version. I did keep the old screenshots to help show the details as well. The same principle applies, though.
Zoom VDI information
- Zoom requires both the “Zoom Media Plugin” + “Zoom Client for VDI” to match exactly from version 2.1.5 documented at – https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/360031768011-New-Updates-for-Virtual-Desktop-Infrastructure-VDI-
- The Citrix Team handles the “Zoom Client for VDI” installations on all VDI machines. The information here Is strictly for informational purpose
- For your company managed device, You can use SCCM to push out the “Zoom Media Plugin” to corporate devices
- Personal devices that are being used to connect to Citrix VDI/Published will need the “Zoom Media Plugin” installed on their personal device. We provided a URL for the employee to go and download this. Remember Its important to make sure the Plugin need to match on the Client and VDI side
The current VDI installer is
Zoom VDI installer
The Clients need to have this version
Zoom Plugin for Clients
VDI downloads and backward compatibility Chart
- This is a link to show you the backward compatibility for Citrix and how to get the downloads
Remember when upgrading the plugins, The VDA VDI installer but be at the same version or newer than the Plugin on the clients. If the client has a newer plugin installed than the backend VDA VDI install. It will not work the way it is supposed to, and the offloading process will NOT occur. I always find it safe to upgrade the VDI installer first (Citrix VDA), as it will be greater than the Zoom HDX Plugin on the clients. It seems to work well this way. In your case, just test things before you deploy.
“To be compatible, the plugin version must be equal or less than the Zoom VDI application version. Installing a plugin with a version greater than the Zoom VDI application is not supported. Zoom always recommends updating the Zoom Plugin after updating the Zoom VDI application as many new features require an updated plugin. “
Zoom VDI Plugins for Clients URL
VDI Release Version 5.7.6 – Zoom Help Center
The VDI plugin on the left goes on the VDA (Arrow Red)
The Zoom HDX Plugin (Arrow in Blue) is the installer for the Client.
They both are needed to work together to offload the audio and Video to the client.
High Level Architecture of Zoom in Citrix
*I didn’t create this as I referenced it in this blog. Context is at the bottom on the blog.*
How to install the “Zoom Media Plugin” for a personal device
Open an internet browser of the user’s choice.
Put this URL in the search bar https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/360052984292
Download the required Zoom Media Plugin for the operating system that is needed
In this example, I have a Windows Operating System. I downloaded Windows x86 or x64: 5.4.59208.1207. Once it downloads, the Zoom Media Plugin. The typical area of download will be store in the Downloads folder.
Double click on the ZoomCitrixHDXMediaPlugin.msi. It will now open up and start the process.
Click next
Click next
Click Next
Once its starts intalling, It will ask you if you want to allow the software to make changes to your device. Click yes
If you receive this error, you have to close out of the Citrix session, and Exit Citrix workspace
Before exiting the Citrix workspace, please save all your work, and properly exit the application that is running.
Once you complete this, proceed to exit from Citrix Workspace.
Go to the task tray in the right hand corner, Hit the up arrow, and click “sign out”
If you get this, click sign out.
Give it 30 seconds, and proceed to Exit Workspace.
Go to the task tray in the right hand corner, Hit the up arrow, and click “sign out”
Now go back to the zoom install, and click retry
You will then see this
You can verify this shows in the control panel, under programs and features
You have completed the Zoom Media Plugin on the client device you are using. Now you go log back into the Citrix Virtual desktop and resume your work.
Testing Cam and Audio
VDA session
Open up the Zoom setting on the VDA and look at the statistics to see what is doing.
Picked my Mic up just fine
Rolling out and removing users installs with WEM
- When I needed to start rolling this out, I found that Zoom makes a user install as well. Just like teams. So, I found an uninstaller CMD, and deployed it with Citrix WEM.
- When I user goes to connect to a meeting this will come up.
- It appears though if you have the Zoom VDI client in first it will not install this either.
- I Created a WEM external Task, that will run this. %appdata%\Zoom\uninstall\Installer.exe /uninstall /silent
- I plan on appmasking this location, I just need to make sure I don’t break Zoom and understand the details first
- Ideally, I would app mask this location C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\Zoom
- Add Zoom.exe into the CPU optimization area
- Citrix Virtual Desktops – Zoom – Microphone and video not working in ICA session
- https://support.citrix.com/article/CTX275259
- Download and install the Zoom Citrix Media Plugin found in the link below install the client of the VDA and the Plugin on the endpoint:
- Note: Plugin version must be the same on the VDA and endpoint
- https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/360041602711
- Additional resources:
- https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/360031096531-Getting-Started-with-VDI
Zooms Troubleshooting Resource
VDI Client Registry Settings
Group Policy Settings
Getting Started with VDI
Getting started with VDI – Zoom Help Center
How to deliver optimized Zoom meetings with Citrix | Citrix Blogs
I run zoom in a published Desktop as well, but I do not run it as a seamless application such as a published application. Zoom has a statement around this as well.
“Note: Running Zoom as a published app is currently not supported. “
This concludes the operations on making Zoom work in a Citrix VDI setup.