Mar 132018
UPDATE - FSLogix – Pre-Mount OneDrive Junction Points – Don’t Kill Your XenApp Server’s Drive Space!

——–UPDATE 3/28/2018 ———- Starting with FSLogix 2.8.12 you no longer need to do this.  Great work FSLogix! From their release notes: “• An issue with first time OneDrive installation has been resolved. The issue occurred when OneDrive was installed for the first time, and OneDrive syncing began. The FSLogix agent would not redirect the OneDrive […]

Mar 052018
PowerShell: find a process owner in a Citrix XenApp / Microsoft RDS environment

The PowerShell Get-Process commandlet cannot return the process owner in the v3 implementation. In PowerShell v4, the Get-Process cmdlet now has a “-IncludeUserName” parameter but it will only run as elevated (administrator). I’ve been searching for an optimized script, running in a non-elevated context. But all I’ve found was slow and high resource demanding scripts […]