Feb 242016

Have you ever looked at director and saw a user had a very long login, and wondered how the hell you could find out who that was?  I wrote a script to help you out a bit! Here is the script Read it!  There are places you will have to edit to allow it to run […]

Feb 072016
Microsoft File Server Cluster in VMWare

Continuously Available File Server (CAFS) CLUSTER DOCUMENTATION Contents1 – Server components and network configuration2 – Quorum disk configuration2.1 – Quorum disk mapping on server CAFS12.2 – Quorum disk mapping on server CAFS23 –Cluster feature deployment3.1 – Add the Cluster Feature on server CAFS13.2 – Add the Cluster Feature on server CAFS24 –Cluster Configuration validation5 – […]

Feb 052016
Java 8 security settings deployment via GPO

I had to recently update Java to version 8 on some RDS servers. Java 8 has increased it’s security level by default, and many private website using unsigned Java code have stopped working with this version. The only way to workaround is to deploy a “security.sites” file containing the URL of the websites for which we […]

Feb 052016
Some work on Citrix UPM (clustered)

I had the chance to have a closer look at the Citrix User Profile Management, and I am sharing some of my notes in this article. Introduction The Citrix User Profile Management (UPM) v5.41 optimize Roaming Profiles with a “streaming” feature in order to improve user’s logon times. The Citrix UPM has been initially designed […]